KITCHEN PARADE is a collection of songs written to help children discover the magic of music through rhythm and song. The songs feature a wide variety of musical styles and were written for music educators, home schooling, and for family enjoyment. Some of the songs include teaching tips and all of the songs on the CD are accompanied with homemade instruments made from utensils in the kitchen. Songs from KITCHEN PARADE have been test-marketed with teachers and students K-3 with great success as the perfect tool for use at home or in the classroom.
When I was still teaching, I asked students, "How many items in your kitchen do you think you can make into instruments?" It was all I could do to contain them from jumping up and running home. One student said, "I want to go home right now!"
Children love to explore sounds so let them clang, clunk and bang away with items from your kitchen and you mght be surprised how creative they become. And . . . when you are tempted to say, "This is not music," get some good ear plugs and allow them to enjoy their own self-absorbed entertainment. I remember one student from LaGrange, Illinois, came to school the next day and said he had 'composed' a song accompanied by a blender so I decided to have a lesson about sounds from electronic appliances. As I've previously expressed, "when young people participate creatively, minds are sparked and imaginations soar!"

"Kersploshes" is a fun little song accompanied by tuned water glasses from my KITCHEN PARADE CD. In a quote by lyricist, Gary Croxall: I love to play in the water. I like to feel it trickling through my fingers or watch raindrops sending ripples to the edge of a silver puddle. There's nothing more fun than splashing in the water!

To tune water glasses to accompany the song, take a tall, narrow vase. The taller and narrower, the higher the pitch. Tap the side with a stainless steel object then add a small amount of water to check the pitch. The pitch will lower with the depth of the water so for the high pitch you'll need only a small amount.
To create a pitch one octave lower (8 notes down), you'll need a wide-rimmed glass or jar. The wider the jar, the deeper the water and the lower the pitch. Have fun finding the desired pitch.
And . . .if you really want to have some fun, create a scale with 8 glasses and let children play simple tunes. Whenever our family comes to town, we traditionally have a talent show. That activity is always a highlight of our "family togetherness."

Follow the words of "Kersploshes" by Gary Croxall then click photo to listen to the song:
I make big kersposhes with both my galoshes, whenever the rain comes to play.
So quiet and subtle, he fills up each puddle with big drops of fine crystal spray.
I dash to the middle to splash and to giggle; he fills each again and again.
In stormiest weather, you'll see us together, me and my wet weather friend.

I met Joanie H. when she was in gradeschool. I watched her grow up and encouraged her to share her talent whenever she could. I loved the purity and sweetness of her voice. She recorded these songs at age 16 and because she was learning Spanish in school, she helped turn this collection of songs into a bilingual album and an accompanying songbook.
Joanie worked tirelessly to learn the music and record without compensation and I will always be grateful for her willingness to share her talent. She is a grown woman now, married to a wonderful husband and is raising four handsome boys. Through the years we've always stayed in contact and she also recorded songs for my next children's album, WORLD ON A STRING.

Summary: Music and language go hand in hand. Mothers instinctively sing and rock their babies without realizing that songs are building blocks for language development.
Music incorporates melody and rhythm as its form of expression and plays a very important role in the learning process of young children.
Music affects our brains and research has shown that children who are exposed to music early in life are smarter and learn faster.
Rhythm is contagious and the key to teaching music. Interesting rhythm patterns will grab a child's attention faster than anything else. Through song and association, children can learn in an unforgettable way. Cute melodies and adorable lyrics also make songs more enticing. KITCHEN PARADE is based upon these concepts.
I hope you learn something with each blog entry because my goal is to excite readers and help everyone discover the magic of music! PLEASE check back often and leave comments and suggestions.
I love the catchy little tunes and around-the-house sounds of Kitchen Parade!